Utility Models

The utility model patent covers a technical solution related to a device.

Patentability requirements are industrial applicability and global novelty. 

The patent term is up to 10 years.


The utility model is the simplest and fastest way to get protection for a technical solution.

Objects protected as a utility model are limited only to devices. Methods, systems, and complexes do not apply here, device versions cannot be included in one patent.

On the manner a utility model is presented in the application for it depends not only the patent acquisition, but its stability in the event of litigation, and what is more, its effectiveness, i.e. the ability to restrain competitors and stop violations. Of great importance is working out the patent claims which determine the scope of rights to be covered. For these reasons, it is very important to prepare an application with participation of a patent attorney, for without his skills a patent even for a breakthrough invention may prove to be ineffective, giving a protection too narrow or easily voidable.



Database lookup for inventions, utility models, scientific publications, browsing through Internet open sources for the prior art observation and analog identification. A report is provided with recommendations and cited references.


Preparation of an application (formulating the claims, drawing up the description, and providing illustrative figures), filing the application with further support through correspondence with the Patent Office by means of online systems until the patent is granted.


A patent is to be extended by an annual fee. If the due is not duly paid, the protection is terminated. The protection may be restored within 3 years.

It is important to timely register all changes to the patentee name and address.
